The spotted lanternfly (SLF) is a sap-feeding insect native to Asia that feeds on more than 65 plant species and is projected to become a serious pest of specialty crops including grapes, tree fruit, ornamentals, and hardwoods. The goals for this project are to develop efficacious tactics for managing the invasive SLF, on vulnerable specialty crops to reduce the risk of widespread, catastrophic damage and to develop strategies for long-term SLF management.
The 2025 Spotted Lanternfly Summit will be held as a three-day webinar, March 11–13.
A list of journal articles published by our team of scientists and extension specialists. Updated January 30, 2025.
The Spotted Lanternfly Summit 2024 was held Feb. 27–29, 2024. Recordings are now available.
Spotted lanternfly reported distribution in the United States. Updated January 16, 2024.
The Spotted Lanternfly Summit 2023 was held March 1–2, 2023. Recordings are now available.
Recordings of SLF 101, held on Feb. 17, and the three-day Spotted Lanternfly Summit, held March 1–3, 2022, are now available.
Learn about upcoming meetings, and view recordings and notes from past meetings, including the Spotted Lanternfly Summits.
Download the agenda for the 2021 Spotted Lanternfly Summit, held March 1–3, 2021.
A population of the invasive spotted lanternfly has been found in Mingo Junction, just south of Steubenville, along the Ohio River. Source: Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, Oct. 27, 2020.
Preliminary findings of a Penn State-led study on spotted lanternfly management indicate that foliar application of an insecticide could be effective in reducing satellite populations of the pest.
Beginning in late May, a remote section of Blue Marsh Lake property in Berks County, Pennsylvania, will be the site of a research project focusing on biological control of the spotted lanternfly. Learn more about the research and read the FAQs about the project on the Penn State Extension website.
Featuring the latest research on this invasive insect, sponsored by the SCRI spotted lanternfly group. Watch the recording and download the agenda (PDF).